Add footnotes to your fine draft, following the guidelines below. This is your final draft of your final paper, and it's due on Brightspace by MONDAY 4/28 (not Tuesday!) at 5pm CT.
1: This final draft must footnote EVERY STATEMENT OF FACT, NO MATTER HOW MINOR. Whenever possible, these footnotes should be links that I can click to see your source. You do not have to write MLA-style footnotes, and you do not have to write a bibliography. See below for a model footnoted story and a tutorial in how to create footnotes in Word.
2: This draft must include the four essential elements of an investigative story.
3: It must answer a central question with evidence (ie, it's not a policy paper, an opinion piece, or a simple statement of facts).
4: It must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words (one single-spaced page is about 500 words). This word count does not include footnotes or research citations.
5: It must include at least 10 different research sources.
6: It must have a title.
7: You can Slack me this draft anytime before midnight Saturday if you want my feedback on it before you turn in your final, graded version on Monday.
8: Submit this final, footnoted draft on Brightspace by Monday 4/28 (not Tuesday!) at 5pm CT.