Questioning official narratives
Bryan Stevenson
Read for next week
Alert: The following items include descriptions of violence against women and racial epithets.
Nicholas Kadar, Roberto Romero, Zoltán Papp, "Ignaz Semmelweis: 'The Savior of Mothers' on the 200th Anniversary of the Birth," American Journal of Obstetric Gynecology, 2018
Ed Bradley, "Johnny D," 60 Minutes, 1992
The Ellsberg Archive Project, “Pentagon Papers, Watergate and Trials,” University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2020
Optional Video: Bryan Stevenson, “We need to talk about an injustice,” TED Talk, 2012
Lecture / Q&A
What is an official narrative? What is a cultural narrative? How do you question these narratives in a way that benefits the public?
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