Lies, fraud, and how they spread
Simeon Booker
Read/watch for next week
Alert: The following stories include descriptions and images of genocide.
Ed Bradley, "Unhealthy Diagnosis," 60 Minutes, 2003
Paul Mozur, "A Genocide Incited on Facebook, with Posts from Myanmar's Military," The New York Times, 2018
Erin DeJan, "Black Hair under Chemical Attack"; Leila Williams, "Black Hair Care Is More Dangerous Than We Think," ISP Investigates: Black Hair Care Products, 2023
Optional Audio: Dina Temple-Raston, "Spotting Lies: Listen, Don't Look," NPR Morning Edition, 2009
Extra credit opportunity #1 starts today (see optional assignment in the homework tools tab) and is due on Tuesday 2/25 at the start of class.
Lecture / Q&A
What are lies, and how do they spread? How to create a good prompt. The power of the direct question.
WK 5 Detail